Safety at DePaul
DePaul is committed to making campus safety a top priority through a variety of initiatives and programs offering many ongoing prevention and awareness programs to eliminate criminal activity and to encourage students, faculty and staff to be responsible for both their own safety and the safety of others.

Requiring a vaccine and booster for faculty, staff and students and maintaining a mask-friendly campus are central to DePaul’s multi-layered COVID-19 mitigation plans. Together, we will help one another stay healthy.
DePaul's Health & Safety Guidelines

Public Safety
The DePaul University Public Safety Department welcomes you! We are here 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With major locations in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood and in the heart of downtown Chicago, DePaul University is an established giant in the field of education. It is with pride that we serve the people who call DePaul 'home'.
Public Safety (24 hours a day/7 days a week)
Lincoln Park: 773-325-7777
Loop: 312-362-8400
Lincoln Park Safety Escort Service (6 pm-6 am)
773-325 (SAFE), 773-325-7233

Take Care DePaul
"Take Care of Yourself. Take Care of Each Other. Take Care DePaul."
Take Care DePaul is a call for all members of the DePaul community (students, faculty, staff, families and alumni) to create a healthy and safe campus community. We encourage all community members to make choices that positively impact their well-being and the well-being of others, and that aligns with DePaul’s Vincentian mission.